Creation 2025
Visual and musical theatre

Puppet, shadow theatre and magic

Perhaps you’ve already come across this solitary, intriguing virtuoso, who pops up on street corners with his ingenious mechanics and his wild rhythms: a one-man band.
With Soledad, we want to extend his journey and explore the more poetic dimension between magical illusions, multiplications and performance. This is a man with many facets and countless
forms of solitude, embarking on an inner journey in search of his identity, his musicality and his relationship with others. A man alone among the crowd inside his head.

Schedule 2023-2024

  • February 13 to 17, 2023: CCAM, Scène nationale de Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy (54)
  • April 17 to 22, 2023: Le Mouffetard, Théâtre des arts de la marionnette à Paris (75)
  • September 4 to 15, 2023: CCAM, Scène nationale de Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy (54)
  • April 15 to 27, 2024: La BAM, cité musicale-Metz
  • May 27 to June 8, 2024: Théâtre Mondésert, Ville de Nancy
  • Octobre-novembre 2024 : dernière résidence à trouver
  • Creation scheduled for November 2024

© Frédéric Allegrini


Design: Santiago Moreno
Staging and dramaturgy: Delphine Bardot, Santiago Moreno and Benoît Dattez
Construction: Delphine Bardot and Santiago Moreno
Lighting design: Frédéric Toussaint
Sound environment: Gabriel Fabing and Santiago Moreno
Musical composition: Santiago Moreno
Costume and shadow theatre: Lucie Cunningham

Coproduction: Le Mouffetard, CNMa – Paris • CCAM, Scène nationale – Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy • Le LEM, Lieu d’Expérimentation Marionnettes – Nancy
Support: Espace 110 Theatre – Illzach




septembre 2024

02sept(sept 2)0 h 00 min13(sept 13)0 h 00 minSOLEDADRésidence au CCAM, Scène nationale de Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy /54

novembre 2024

12nov(nov 12)0 h 00 min23(nov 23)0 h 00 minSOLEDADRésidence au théâtre Mondésert, ville de Nancy /54


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