Premiered in september 2017
A wordless visual and musical show
Duration: 90 min – All audiences, 10 years and after
Poetic journey about resistance
“In a clever triptych, composed of two solos and an exhibition, La Mue / tte pays homage to these women who have become emblematic of the defense of human rights.” Delphine Bardot mentions those who have chosen to embroider to resist, mixing the finesse of the gesture with the ferocity of the drama, while Santiago Moreno uses photos and videos taken from archives that recall the brutality and cynicism of the leaders responsible for the disappearance of 30,000 people. ” Thierry Voisin, TT TELERAMA
Two shows engaged in the transmission of a recent and yet fragile memory, augmented by an exhibition between historical reconstruction and poetic appropriation.
“Les Folles succeeds, with a bewildering mastery, in composing a visual poem on a dark but heroic step in Argentinean history: strong and beautiful, virtuoso and successful.” Mathieu Dochterman, Toutelaculture.com
Design, construction, dramaturgy and staging: Delphine Bardot and Santiago Moreno
Music and sound devices: Santiago Moreno
Costume and construction: Daniel Trento
Construction and embroidery: Lucie Cunningham
Lighting design: Phil Colin
Production: Claire Girod
Production Assistant: Aurélie Burgun
Point de croix
With: Delphine Bardot
Performance consultant and dramaturgy: Nicole Mossoux
Complicit consultant: Amélie Patard
Silencio es salud
With: Santiago Moreno
Staging and consultant dramaturgy: Jacopo Faravelli
Coproduction: Theatre Gérard-Philippe, Frouard publicly founded theatre – Centre Culturel André-Malraux, Vandoeuvre National Theatre – La Méridienne, Lunéville publicly founded theatre – Le Passage, Fécamp, publicly founded theatre – Le Sablier, national puppet center in preparation, Ifs and Dives-sur-Mer – La Manufacture, National Drama Center of Nancy – Transversales, Verdun publicly founded theatre.
Support: The world puppet theatre festival of Charleville-Mézières – Le Mouffetard – Puppet Theatre of Paris – Bernard-Marie-Koltès, Metz publicly founded theatre – Nest, National Drama Center of Thionville – LEM of Nancy (54) – La Muda, culturel center of Buenos-Aires (Argentine) – High school Paul-Lapie of Lunéville.
With the financial help of the Grand-Est Regional Council, Grand-Est Regional Department of Culture and the City of Nancy.
“With tact and talent La Mue/tte company pays tribute to the mothers of Argentina who have long denounced the “disappearance” of 30,000 of their children, during the military dictatorship.
Two solos and a little film to say a lot, almost without a word. In the end, these universes complement each other. In a range that multiplies and crosses poetry and realism, feelings and tears, smiles and hopes. With the two comedians, these “crazy” defend the right to freedom and human respect, everywhere and always. A nice tribute, forty years later.”
Gérard Rossi
“The company La Mue/tte dares with Les Folles (…) to speak without words about the fight of the mothers of the Place de Mai, in Argentina, who for forty years have been mobilizing to know what happened to their children – the 30 000 “disappeared” from the military dictatorship. In this show, the bodies of the two performers, associated with the objects, turn around and transform themselves to infinity, succeeding to embody multiple characters – and even crowds.”
Marie Soyeux
“Les Folles managed with a disconcerting mastery to compose a visual poem on a dark but heroic stage of Argentine history. Strong and beautiful, virtuoso and successful.
The company La Mue / tte succeeds in this feat by suggesting everything with delicacy and poetry (…). If documentary images are used, they are nevertheless poeticized, decomposed, transposed by the magic of the show. (…)
One dazzled by the range of techniques mastered by the two interpreters, moved by the subject, stronger sense of having been enriched, in the mind and soul, by an intelligent and sensitive proposal.”
Mathieu Doctherman
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